Evernost news

Of the Firebirds

My adventures on , begun in May, continue: I have released a new, free, browser-playable (if play is the right verb; “browser read/watch/viewable”), ~1000-word creation on itch: “Of the Firebirds.” If you’ve checked out my Four Zines of Elsewhere, it’s the second zine in there (but with special effects and music I wrote and […]

art Evernost writing

A New Outlet

Rather as the moon landing was “one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind,” I have taken “one small step for me, and one giant leap in my mind” (it even rhymes with the original!). Unfortunately, a lot of the creative process is like that — the milestones are subtle and personal and not […]


Unsatisfying Fairy Tale

Among other Evernostian projects, I am trying to write myths and fairy tales about Evernost, or elsewhere. So far, I’ve mostly been reading and taking notes — Grimm’s Fairy Tales and tales of /meditations on goddesses from a book I picked up as a kid. I have a section on Stories, a section on Morals, […]

Evernost writing

2023 Goals

I have put off writing this post because I’m feeling pretty unsure about all of this. But it’s good both to have goals and to hold them lightly, and in the interests of saying something and getting my thoughts out there and enacting my conviction that it’s good to have goals without insisting on them […]

reading writing

Nietzsche as a Writer

I recently received the advice (simple but not something I have ever done in a deliberate way outside of classes) to actively study books that do what I’m trying to do with mine. Alas, right now, I do not happen to be reading numinous fantasy. However, I am reading Nietzsche. I’ve written a titch about […]

art Evernost news

2022, a Year (Relatively) Lost to Social Media

I have tried and failed to come back to regular blogging so many times it’s getting embarrassing. But persistence (especially against one’s own flakiness) is worthy, and so — in time for the new year — I hope to make another push to write every week. In the meantime, I would like to talk a […]

book review

Jones, Truth, a Webcomic

Very late update: the Diana Wynne Jones essay I wanted to share is long and abstruse and editing it to be even plausibly a blog post got very frustrating. Instead, I will give you a tldr: In the first three poems, Jones charts out something like Western history’s ways of thinking about truth (absolutist & […]

book review

Diana Wynne Jones’s Truth Poems, Part 1: Context

Farah Mendlesohn writes playfully in Diana Wynne Jones: Children’s Literature and the Fantastic Tradition that “it is just possible that for Jones’s complexity to be appreciated, first she had to grow her critics.” In these posts, I’ll jump off from the chapter of this book devoted to “The True State of Affairs.” My approach to […]

book review Musings reading

Another Attempted Return

I miss this blog. I have, as you have seen, found it hard to keep up my momentum, because I’m usually working on so many projects at once: ever-shifting pieces of writing and art, of course, and also a newcomer pursuit: coding. Yes, I’ve taught myself to program using mostly free resources and I am […]

book review Musings reading

Perilous Inner Worlds: Four Quests Without Compasses

…there are souls so infirm and so accustomed to busying themselves with outside affairs that nothing can be done for them, and it seems as though they are incapable of entering within themselves at all. Teresa of Ávila, Interior Castle, translated and edited by E. Allison Peers What do the following four reads — Allie […]