Evernost writing

Out of Tales, into Reflections: The Expository Thread

Today I’m talking about what was for me the most fun part of Out of Tales, my braided not-exactly-novel I’m releasing on July 15: the “Jennie sections,” the non-novelistic prose. These are a mix of essay and memoir-through-a-funhouse-mirror. They’re pretty dense and abstract — one early reader said, even abstruse. The essay bits discuss (in […]

book review reading

Learning from Women Modernists: H.D. and Gertrude Stein

This year, as I edit Out of Tales, I’m finally getting around to two old bookstore finds: The World Is Round by Gertrude Stein and HERmione by H.D. The first is a children’s book. I would have said “ostensibly” a children’s book, because it’s written in very strange, Steinian, Cubist-inspired prose, the plot and characters […]