Evernost writing

Out of Tales, into Reflections: The Expository Thread

Today I’m talking about what was for me the most fun part of Out of Tales, my braided not-exactly-novel I’m releasing on July 15: the “Jennie sections,” the non-novelistic prose. These are a mix of essay and memoir-through-a-funhouse-mirror. They’re pretty dense and abstract — one early reader said, even abstruse. The essay bits discuss (in […]

Evernost writing

Tales from Out of Tales: The Narrative Thread

There are three main parts to Out of Tales: the poetry, the essayistic prose, and what I mentioned I call the “Normal Novel,” though it is neither normal nor a novel, being three rather subversively plotted overlapping novelettes from the points of view of three different characters. The Normal Novel is the oldest part (I […]

news writing

The Frame Ends and the World Begins

Hello! I took a bit of time off work to do Evernost rewrite/revision, and while I wasn’t as productive as I’d hoped to be, I at least hit a major milestone. And I came up with an experimental strategy for revising: turning the prose into poetry and back again. In theory, it will help me […]


On Three Uses of the Speculative

Apologies for the delay in posting this–again, I’ve been sick, and then on vacation, and the discipline of writing weekly is proving to be at least as difficult in the longer term as I imagined it would be. Still, I want to keep making the good effort, and I thank you for your patience with […]